I was reading Science magazine from a couple weeks ago and came across this quote form an astronomer studying Cold Dark Matter. Dark matter is something that is supposed to reconcile the fact that the Universe is expanding faster than predicted by general relativity. Nobody is smart enough to come up with a better theory for gravitation, so instead they created something propelling the Universe outward, and called it "Dark Matter."
Anyway, here's the interesting quote: "I have a huge investment in cold dark matter = my whole career and something like 300 papers- but it could be wrong." ... If you've written 300 papers on one topic, and it's still controversial and up for debate, then what exactly HAS he written? I submit that he's doing science wrong.
Isaac Newton hardly ever published anything I discovered... perhaps the opposite extreme. But, when he did publish something it was profound, and clearly sparked new ideas and debates. Perhaps scientists should "write" less and "say" more...