Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Probably won't get this job

So, yeah, I'm been working a job on a temporary basis, with the understanding that I might eventually be taken on as full time...  I wrote about this a few days ago.  Somehow, today, I really felt like I won't get get hired on. Can't say why, just a really bad feeling that I'm not needed.  The group used to have many more people in it then there are now.  The others are on temporary assignment to other divisions, and they are all experts in lots of different stuff.  I'm an expert in nothing.  I pick things up, but no expertise....  Anyway, by April (at some point) they will make their decision, and let me know.


  1. Those temp assignments are tough. I am sure you will do fine, and wow them, and get the job. Just don't stream videos... EVER.

  2. Yeah. My old job had job security, even though it sorta sucked. I'm still glad I made the decision to do something I liked. More risk, more satisfaction.
