Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Killing Afghanis

I just heard on the news that The President of the United states said the killing of 16 Afghani civilians was "outrageous and unacceptable."  Something easy to quote, and the media decided to do, as is their duty.  I imagine the President's men spent a great deal of time agonize over which two words he should express in his press conference, and  made sure to tell the White House press corps to make sure to highlight those two words.  It couldn't be "abhorrent."  No.  That might signal something about how abhorrent our troops are, and our troops are all (naturally) heroes, n'shit.  "Unacceptable" is good.  Killing those people in there homes (unarmed civilians... including children)... that's really "unacceptable."  This kid is going to get a "stern talking to."  Maybe he'll get reduced to pay-grades, for that "unacceptable" behavior.  I remember getting a B in math, once, and my mom told me something similar.  "You love algebra!  This behavior is outrageous and unacceptable!"

Yeah, that US soldier was there in support of US Special Forces who were training am paramilitary force to help reinforce US troops.... A sort of Vietnamization of the Afghan war.  What a load of BS.  I don't even know where to begin.  It's like grading a C-student's physics homework.  I'd like to help but ALL of your assumptions are wrong, to the point where I think you should just drop of out college altogether and become a firewatcher.  Yes, someone who's sole ability is to watch fires.  You don't report fires as the occur.  You don't help fight the fires.  You watch them, because that's all your fucking little brain can handle.

Killing kids is really terrible, though.  All of it is terrible, but the kids really stick with you.  How many of those kids could have grown up to be brilliant?  How many of those kids could have become mathematical geniuses like Srinivasa Ramanujan.  Or a brilliant painter or artist?  And if you think those sorts of things are rare, all human life is rare, and to be honest everyone is brilliant to some degree... And if you think its rare in Afghanistan, maybe it's because they don't have schools and a proper infrastructure to support all the geniuses clipped at the bud... And if you think that a First World country can come to Afghanistan to bring them schools and a proper infrastructure by sending in soldiers armed to the teeth, then you should really quit what you are doing right now and pursue a career as a firewatcher.
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