Sunday, April 29, 2012

Loud music

Today was a nice day, so the spouse and I were driving around with the windows down.  And, then these stupid kids with there over-loud music start doing there thing.  Every red stoplight there'd be some asshole with his music blaring down at me.  The music itself was terrible, but even good music at that level would be bad.  I don't get it.  And yesterday, when I was at the used bookstore, there was some high-age school kid with music blaring through his earphones.  Why?

I sort of have a sound-track, myself, while doing my thing; music I remember in my head or though earphones at REASONABLE volumes.... I feel like it's my own personal "soundtrack."  I don't really want other people to know what I'm listening to, no do I want to hear what some asshole I've never met has on his soundtrack.

Plus, I like at be aware of the environment I'm in.  Sometimes, I like to listen to the sounds of cars while the window is down, or the wind or what-ever.  It almost feels like people with their music turn up so loud are trying to tune-out reality... A sort of half-assed form of suicide...
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