Wednesday, August 10, 2011

London Riots

People have been rioting in London and other cities in the United Kingdom. Apparently, it all started when a man was shot four times by police.... some say the man was dragged from a taxi cab, restrained (handcuffed), made to lie on the ground and then shot.... Anyway, the riots arose from this incident.

The riots have been targeting local businesses in the ethnically diverse and discriminated against neighborhoods. They've been burning their own businesses, houses, etc... Far be it from me to say how a group of people want to carry out a riot, but... If you were to commandeer several public transport vehicles, fill them full of angry rioters and drive them up to the higher class neighborhoods, just imagine what sort of things you could do in there. As the old saying goes "Try not to shit where you eat."... or is it "live"? Don't shit where you live? Sounds better. And, in the end you'll have to rebuild the old neighborhood you've disintegrated once the rioting is done. Unless you actually wish to take away power and wealth from the upper classes.... in which case things will be quite different once your rioting is done...

But, like I said, far be it from be to provide advice. Let them do their thing.

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