Monday, August 8, 2011

The Two Party System

The United States is a two-party political system. The two parties are: The Capitalist Party (The Democrats) and the Republicans. The Democrats realize that the capitalistic system is flawed and are trying very hard to patch up the flaws to sustain the current capitalistic situation. This is why Wall Street bankers and businessmen donated huge amounts of money to the Democrats to maintain the system. The Democrats wish to maintain the welfare state which sustains the "reserve labor army" to fill in the labor gaps where and when needed. They also maintain the state capitalist order where banks and industrialists can never really go broke... "To big to Fail".

The Republican party is the Party of Discord. They make people think they are in the best interests of all sorts of people: Lower people, middle class people, business people, etc... In the end, they are nothing but an army of Discordia. They realize that the state has deep flaws. Rather than try to fix what's wrong, they wish to destroy it so that we can start over... a clean slate... Destroy the state....

Standard and Poor's downgraded the government of the United States from AAA to AA+, thanks in part to the debt debacle ... and me? I laugh at everything!


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