Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I Took a Neuropsychology Test a While Ago

I took a "Neuropsychological" test a couple weeks ago, and just got the results back.... Well, I met with the neuropsychologist who I THOUGHT was going to give me the results. Instead I got this:

Fake doctor (because psychologists aren't real doctors): Well, you're a really smart man, and I'm sure you'll be back to nearly full capacity again. 

 Me: Well, I got a doctorate in a natural science, so the diploma sorta told me that already... 

 FD: Yes. I would say, based on your results you are probably 80-90% of what you used to be. 

 Me: How did you determine that? 

 FD: A number of factors. 

 Me: Such as? 

 FD: Well, there's a lot of technical jargon. I'd hate to bore you. 

 Me: So, I got an IQ result out of this? 

 FD: Yeah, but it's based on a number of factors... 

 Me: Can I see the results? 

 FD (turning to the side and shuffling his notes, never making eye contact): Well, like I say with all my patients [fuck this guy!], everyone as the right to access their medical records, but I would advise against it. Its a report about how bad your brain has been damaged. And there's a lot of technical jargon. Also, I don't write very well..... 

 Me: (I should have said that I had a stroke and am dealing with the brain damage now, so the report is secondary... and who the fuck cares how bad his writing is.. unfortunately, I didn't) OK. What sort of factors did I do poorly on? 

 FD: Well, some of what you messed up on had to do with language, and your language and communication is improving, so you're only going to get better. Your spatial reasoning is well above average.....You're like a marathon runner who has a sprained ankle. 

 Me: Ok.....

 FD: You need to be extra careful now. You need to take good care of your body. 

 Me: Yeah, well I'm doing ok. I get fatigued sometimes, but it's getting better. 

 FD: You shouldn't feel discouraged. Don't get depressed

 Me: Hmmm. OK. 

 FD: No, really. Don't get depressed. 

 Me: I won't. 

 FD: You're like the poster boy of stroke recovery. 

 Me: Yeah, everyone wants to be like me. 

 FD: I mean... Not like that... 

 Me: No, not really... Now, I'm depressed. 

 FD: Sorry. 

 Me: Anyway, are we done? I need to go back to work.... 

 FD: Take it easy with work. Don't push yourself to hard. 

 Me: What would happen if I did? Will it damage my brain? 

 FD: No, but if might make you depressed. 

 Me: (This guy is making me depressed). Well, ok. 

So, yeah. I didn't actually get the results from the test. It took me all day to complete the test, and I can't see what the results were. Psychology is a fake science... I'm requesting the results from my hospital's department of records.
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1 comment:

  1. Didja ever get them? And by the way... I am enjoying your new blog. :)
